The Beatitudes: God at Work

Jesus preached the message, but there’s someone lurking just behind the Beatitudes; it’s the Heavenly Father. The poetic opening to the Sermon of the Mount is really an invitation to discover God at work. Where will you find God in the everyday? You will find him among the kind of people Jesus lists.
We make a common mistake when we assume Jesus asks us to become the kind of people listed in the Beatitudes. Instead, he is calling to our attention the people to whom God is drawn. When we see the poor, the mourning, the meek, and the merciful, we should look sharp for God at work in their midst. The Father draws close to such people; if we are about the Father’s business, we will draw close as well.
The Beatitudes move our hearts because of their beauty and simplicity. Even so, our intellect is tempted to ask, “Really? How exactly are such down-and-outers blessed? And what, exactly, does it mean to be "blessed?" Perhaps the word “blessed” has outlived its expiration date. It has no real meaning outside of church, and almost no one inside a church can explain what it means! We instinctively know these words are important, but struggle to understand them—and even more to apply them in a practical way. It’s a perfectly Biblical word, but it has hardened into stained glass religious stereotype. I found new energy in re-casting “blessed” into “God plays favorites with . . .”
Try reading the Beatitudes like this:
Hear now the secrets of God at work:
God plays favorites with the poor: he gives them the kingdom of heaven.
God plays favorites with people in mourning: he comforts them.
God plays favorites with meek people: he gives them all of creation.
God plays favorites with people who desire righteousness as much as they desire food and water: he fills them.
God plays favorites with merciful people: he gives them what they give to others.
God plays favorites people who have held on to purity of heart: he shows himself to them.
God plays favorites with people who actively make peace: he adopts them into his own family.
God plays favorites with people who are under the gun because of their devotion: he gives them the kingdom, too.
And here is one final secret:
God will play favorites with you when you are insulted, beat up, and lied about. Rejoice—you’re in very good company.
The Beatitudes are a spiritual version of Google Maps: they show me where to find God at work. And wherever I find him at work I will also find an invitation to join in that very work. Where is the Father leading you?
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