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My Favorite Reality Show

One reason I like watching “reality shows” is that my life seems pretty squared away compared to those people. It’s too bad there aren’t any shows like that about churches, so I could compare the “reality church” to my own congregation. But wait--actually, there is a place observe struggling churches filled with reality stars. It’s the New Testament. It shows us plenty of insane situations complete with greedy people, religious crazies, hurt feelings, and racial prejudices—and these are the good guys! It’s one of the reasons I love the scripture so much: it casts a cold hard stare on its subjects.
Take the church in Corinth--please.  It was a crazy mix of spirituality, worldliness, excess, and beauty. In others words, a church very much like yours. The church in Corinth started off with a bang, when God himself spoke to the apostle Paul in a vision: “Don’t be afraid, and don’t give up on this town. I have a lot of people here.” (Acts 18: 9-10)
So the Apostle Paul unpacked his suitcase and became Pastor Paul for a year and a half. Can you imagine having Paul of Tarsus, that towering colossus of Christianity, as a pastor? Paul invested 18 months of his life in these people. Imagine the quality start the church in Corinth received: a year and a half of the very best in ministry, miracles, and teaching. This church must have been a model church right? Well, not exactly.
After he left, Paul got a note from the folks who meet at Chloe’s house: “Ummm, Paul? There are few problems here we’d like to ask you about.”
A few problems? Let’s make a partial list:
• Believers in Corinth were choosing sides concerning who was the best spiritual leader: some said Paul, some Peter, some Apollos, and the really spiritual people said, “I only follow Jesus!”
• A regular attendee of the church was sleeping with his father’s wife (yikes!). Everyone who attended the church knew about it, but no one was doing anything about it.
• Church members were racing each other to courts of law because they couldn’t settle their disputes inside the church.
• There were major arguments over who should eat what kind of food, and why.
• People were getting drunk at communion and church pot luck dinners (I know that sounds hard to believe, but you can look it up: I Corinthians 11: 20 -21).
• And we haven’t even touched on problems like worship services that were pretty strange: spiritual gifts, spiritual pride, arguments about dating, and strange views about resurrection!
I don’t know where you go to church, but even the worst church in my town doesn’t come close to this list of problems in Corinth. If I want to gawk at a bunch of immature believers, I don’t even have to leave home. I can just open up my Bible and read about the church in Corinth.
You might think that Paul wouldn’t have anything good to say to these believers. He had labored hard for a year and a half, and this was the fruit? Yet, here's what he said:
“I always thank God for you . . .”
“You have been enriched in every way . . .”
“You do not lack any spiritual gift . . .”
“He will keep you strong until the end . . .”
And these words are just from the greeting in the letter—the first nine verses. Perhaps Paul was just being diplomatic—except I don’t think the scripture contains polite white lies.
What lessons can we learn from a terrible church?
For one, Paul didn’t give up on them. There was a lively correspondence that lasted for years. Paul was committed to them the rest of his life.
Second, even though they questioned Paul’s position and authority, Paul responded with a passion that reflected his true fatherhood. “You really are my children,” he said. Even though they were unfaithful to him, he remained faithful to them.
Next, Paul continued to teach patiently. Even the greatest church-planter in history had things to fix. If someone like Paul can produce a church like Corinth, perhaps we should cut some slack toward pastors who don’t rise to the level of super apostle?
Finally--and this is the most challenging to me--Paul let them continue to operate even though they were making mistakes. If I had started a church that later went crazy with spiritual gifts, I think I would have been tempted to write to them: “Everybody stop! You’re doing it wrong! Just cut it out until I get there, then we’ll talk about it.” But Paul said, “Tongues are good, prophecy is good, and don’t forbid them.” Even though they were doing it wrong! The answer to the misuse of spiritual gifts isn’t to shut them down; it is to teach them up.
The church in Corinth is reality TV. If they can go down in history as a church God loves, a church to whom God speaks, and God nurtures, why can’t our churches be the same?

Reader Comments (8)

"the answer to the misuse of spiritual gifts [or, i'd say, to the misuse of a lot of things we do wrong] isn't to shut them down; it is to teach them up."

This is great. I'm thinking of a handful of new believers at my parents' church who go back and forth between really heartfelt prayer and worship, and trash talk on facebook- it could be discouraging, and some might say "we don't talk/dress/pray like that here." but let's instead look at it as "Praise God, look how far they've come! Now, how can we be a part of God's continuing work in them?"

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoy Suzanne Hunt

". . . like a parent requires and welcomes the help of a child even though the task will take longer and not be as beautifully done, just as God doesn't need our help, but loves us enough to require it."

Thanks so insightful, Joy, and spot-on. Thanks so much.

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrayhollenbach

Joy highlighted my favorite part of your post, Ray, and then you highlighted my favorite part of Joy's comment! All I can add, right now, is yes! And thanks to you both. Much food for thought and soul...

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKtennant

great post

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAshley Santiago

All I can say is: "Yea, and double-Yea!"

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrayhollenbach

Hi Ashley! Thanks so much: you're always welcome here.

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrayhollenbach

What a refreshing perspective on this type of issue...especially with all of the things going on at my own church right now. I guess it just goes to show how much growing we all have to do, and thank God he is patient with us through it all. Thanks for this post and the timing of it.

September 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKelsey Storey

You're welcome, Kelsey. If we ever stopped to think about it, I guess we would *all* be pretty glad that the Father is so patient with us!

September 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrayhollenbach

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